Publication type: Journal Paper

Publication type: Journal Paper

Network has drawn attention from different fields and its contributions on the businesses have been discussed; however, Hite and Hesterly (2001) propose that it is significant for companies to change from closed networks to dispersed networks as the firm grows. Similarly, scholars argue that firm network, development and resources are “co-evolved”. These authors further state […]

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Publication type: Journal Paper

Currently, there are numerous scholarly articles on the succession but it is surprising that no or few papers have discussed the awareness of succession and its impacts. Therefore, this study focused on the awareness of the family business owners, the attitude of the owners towards intra-succession as means of business continuity, and how their awareness […]

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Publication type: Journal Paper

Currently, there are several papers on the New Technology Based Firms (NTBFs) yet the case studies of measurement technology appear to not be available. This work aims to present the entrepreneurial processes of Finnish measurement technology firms. Eight interviews were conducted with the key players of the industry. Successfully, the outcomes of the study revealed […]

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